
Kia's photo


Research Interests

  • Stochastic Computing
  • FPGA Architectures
  • Physical Design for FPGAs
  • FPGA Applications
I am a Leroy and Ruth Fingerson Co-op Professor and Director of the Co-op Program at the College of Science and Engineering, and an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Minnesota. My research interests are primarily in the field of stochastic and unary computing, where numbers are represented in base one, as opposed to the common binary representation. The encoding makes some computations very easy, resulting in significant area-delay product, power, energy and latency of digital circuits compared to binary. The downside of pure unary computing is that it is not scalable: as the input resolution improves, hardware cost grows exponentially. To address this issue, we developed a new method of computing called the hybrid binary-unary method, which is scalable just like binary, and reduces hardware size, similar to the way unary computing helps reduce hardware costs. I am also generally interested in VLSI-CAD, with an emphasis on FPGAs. I have done FPGA physical design, reconfigurable computing, and ASIC floorplanning/placement.

Contact Information

Campus Contact

Calendar: Google Calendar

Office Location: 4-159 Keller Hall

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (612) 625-4588

Fax: (612) 625-4583


Stochastic Computational Circuitry

Lab location: 4-162 EE/CSci

Lab phone: (612) 626-7163


Mailing Address

ECE Dept., 4-178 Keller Hall

200 Union St SE

Minneapolis, MN 55455