This is the archive of the class EE1301 "Intro to Computing Systems" taught by Kia Bazargan in the Fall 2015 semester at the University of Minnesota. Links to class videos are provided in the table below, along with supporting documents. Labs and discussion problems are provided after the video and documents table.
Number | Download File | Contents | Documents |
1 | ee1301_f15_20150908 | EE1301, Fall 2015, 2015-09-08, Lecture 1, Introduction | |
2 | ee1301_f15_20150910 | cin, cout, int variables, simple math expressions | 01_cout.cpp, 02_cin.cpp |
3 | ee1301_f15_20150915 | Operator precedence, simple if-else | 03_twodigits.cpp, 04_oddEven.cpp |
4 | ee1301_f15_20150917 | Nested if else, logical expressions, intro to double/float |
Lecture notes: 20150917_if_num_bw_30_50.pdf, |
5 | ee1301_f15_20150922 | More int, double examples, casting, intro to loops (while) | See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 9-13 |
6 | ee1301_f15_20150924 | Miscellaneous operators (|| ! >> <<), While loop and counters, First attempt at the average problem | See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 14-16 |
7 | ee1301_f15_20150929 | While loop (average of n numbers), if float==, for loops, prime numbers problem definition and strategy 1 | See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 17-19 |
8 | ee1301_f15_20151001 | While loop, for loop. Prime numbers (versions 1,2,3) | See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 20-24 |
9 | ee1301_f15_20151006 | for loop with empty body, counter var value after for, swapping two vars, base 8 to decimal conversion | See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 25 |
10 | ee1301_f15_20151008 | finish base 8 program, #define, #ifdef, the polynomial program |
See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 26-27. See Lecture notes below 20151008 |
11 | ee1301_f15_20151013 | Polynomial, functions, local / Global Variables, switch construct, intro to Win32 Graphics | See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 28-30. |
12 | ee1301_f15_20151015 | Sample midterm problems, graphics | See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 31-32. |
13 | ee1301_f15_20151022 | Continue, graphics take 2, arrays | See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 33-35. |
14 | ee1301_f15_20151027 | 2D Arrays |
See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 36-40. See Lecture notes 20151027. |
15 | ee1301_f15_20151029 | Finish the soy production example (2D array), binary, hex, decimal conversion, pointers |
See Sec. "Code Exmaples" below. Code 41-42. See Lecture notes 20151029. |
16 | ee1301_f15_20151103 | Bin, Hex, decimal conversions, negative numbers in binary, simple #define macros, ternary operator ? | Code 43, notes 11/3 |
17 | ee1301_f15_20151105 | macros, 2's Comp, bitwise Operators, struct | 44-46, notes 11/5 |
18 | ee1301_f15_20151110 | Atoms demo, struct, sorting, intro strings | 47-49, notes 11/10 |
19 | ee1301_f15_20151112 | Strings take 2, simulation of planets: the framework, functions | 50-52, notes 11/12 |
20 | ee1301_f15_20151117 | (1st half of the lecture) Functions | 53-56 |
20 | ee1301_f15_20151117z | (2nd half of the lecture) Function: swap, pass by value, addr, reference | 57-59 |
21 | ee1301_f15_20151119 | Functions, struct parameters, 1D array parameters, intro to 2D parameters | 60-62, notes 11/19 |
22 | ee1301_f15_20151124 | 2D array parameters in functions, soy example function version, recursive functions | 62-67 |
23 | ee1301_f15_20151201 | Misc homework related issues (not allocating memory for arrays, bouncing ball getting outside the window frame, qsort function) | code 68, notes 12/1 |
24 | ee1301_f15_20151203 | Shuffle problem, recursive, strings. NOTE: THERE'S A BETTER SOLUTION TO THE SHUFFLE PROBLEM. Takes only O(N) | 69-73, notes 12/3 |
25 | (no voice) ee1301_f15_20151208 | 3D planet, atoms, strings (implementing myStrCat), pointers and intro to dynamic memory allocation | notes 12/8 |
26 | ee1301_f15_20151210 | Mem allocation (1D array, 2D array), Intro Linked List | 74-75 |
27 | ee1301_f15_20151215 | Recursive function calls (print 1..N), linked list | notes 12/15 |
28 | Linked Lists, Object-Oriented Programming (from spring 2015) | Linked Lists, Object-Oriented Programming (from spring 2015) | |
29 | Classes and OOP (from spring 2015) | Classes and OOP (from spring 2015) | 79_class2.cpp |
30 | Classes and OOP (from spring 2015) | Celestial objects example (from spring 2015) | |
31 | STL (from spring 2015) | Standard Template Library (from spring 2015) |